Thursday, June 14, 2012

Döserygg well in progress!

So, our group formed around making the most of a museums coming exhibition. A great excavation site provided a perfect setting for a walkabout. Twenty-odd dolmens gathered close to a double palissade, stretching along a "road"... Döserygg will forever have changed how Scandinavian archaeologists view dolmen sites. We thought they came one by one. They didn´t.

A road calls for giving the visitor/viewer a good old walk, though in this case indoors. Ylwa did the skilled sketching, making pictures of a storyline. I put in as much pre-knowledge as I have. Gertie and Peter worked out the mockup-program. Together we pop up ideas, question each others suggestions, discuss what points to make and darlings to kill. Great fun!

So storyline is pretty good - tomorrow we need to discuss more about actual technique. Could we actually do this at Trelleborgs museum. Everything is possible.


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