Saturday, June 16, 2012

Some pictures

Hi all! I'm upploading in Dropbox in the folder "Course material Swedish Virtual Heritage School" some pictures made during the School. There is also the group picture :D

Friday, June 15, 2012

Many thanks!

I would like to thank you all for a great week of lectures, discussions, workshops, checking out amazing gadgets! For myself, I feel most inspired and am already plotting on how to implement these new insights on my job.

Once again, thanks!

Interactive MultiTouch Starry Night

Interactive Van Gogh Starry Night:

I think it can be a very interesting approach to communicate a painting, especially in this case (Van Gogh style)

Starry Night (interactive animation) from Petros Vrellis on Vimeo.

Assassin's creed for kinect

A funny fake (?) trailer about immersion, presence and, of course, kinect!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Bloody Omaha, the graphics

I mentioned a youtube clip showing a cheapish way to make mass-scenes. Here´s the site:

Mind the pretty noisy choice of music!

Döserygg well in progress!

So, our group formed around making the most of a museums coming exhibition. A great excavation site provided a perfect setting for a walkabout. Twenty-odd dolmens gathered close to a double palissade, stretching along a "road"... Döserygg will forever have changed how Scandinavian archaeologists view dolmen sites. We thought they came one by one. They didn´t.

A road calls for giving the visitor/viewer a good old walk, though in this case indoors. Ylwa did the skilled sketching, making pictures of a storyline. I put in as much pre-knowledge as I have. Gertie and Peter worked out the mockup-program. Together we pop up ideas, question each others suggestions, discuss what points to make and darlings to kill. Great fun!

So storyline is pretty good - tomorrow we need to discuss more about actual technique. Could we actually do this at Trelleborgs museum. Everything is possible.


Wednesday, June 13, 2012


As some of you experienced today, using software to prototype is not always easy and straight-forward. Let's hope Balsamiq Mockups will behave better tomorrow! :-)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Dudes

Hi all!
We are "the Dudes", group members:

  • Bruno Fanini
  • Doriana De Padova
  • Dario Cianciarulo

Our goal is to reshape/extend an existing application and ongoing case study:

Our overall vision is to value (in this case) a reconstruction of a thermal landscape in Italy, with special attention to specific hotspots where the users can explore the virtual world in walk-mode and activate a timeline from present to roman times for that particular area.
The approach we'd like to propose is not limited to this specific case and we're considering other applications and VR scenarios.
The requirements are mostly focused on exploration ease of use for the visitor with natural interactions and on enhancing emotional aspect using per-hotspot unique sensorial experiences as "reward" during walk session. Users audience would cover a broad range.

Our goal is to provide an experience that stimulates the visitor curiosity that is guided towards the answers, so that once he leaves the application he wants to "know more" about the environment

Indiana Jones museum, valencia

Altair 4 Augmented Reality Rome

Monday, June 11, 2012


Group members in Birkåkra is Ivan, Caroline and Ulrika. We had difficulties in finding a case/goal/vision that felt engaging enough, but we discussed the possibility to use technology to enhance guided tours. We'll see what comes up today...

Groupname and our vision


This is our Groupmembers:

Ann-Louise Svensson, Maria Casagrande and Kerstin Hultin

Groupname: Industrial stories

Overoll vision:

To tell about the industrial environment from the common mans point of view.

The first step of the design process

Listening to the discussions it's clear that you have a lot of exciting ideas! :-)

Please, share them here so that all of us can reflect upon them!

Remeber to focus on the following issues in this stage:

  • Which is your overall vision?
  • Who are the users? How do the users behave? Which is the context? What do the users want to do?
  • What requirments should the application fulfil?
Keep up the good work! :-)


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feel free to comment post and create discussion